
Horoscope for November Gemini career. Work and finance

Relationships with representatives of the opposite sex will be quite emotional for Gemini in November. But it may turn out that these are not at all the experiences that the representatives of this zodiac sign wanted. The exact love horoscope for November 2019 for Gemini will tell them what to pay attention to when dating and romantic encounters.

Love horoscope for Gemini for November 2019

The feeling of autumn blues will be unfamiliar to Gemini in the last month of autumn. During this period of time, many single people born under this zodiac sign may despair in search of strong and mutual love. But in November, the character of Gemini will not allow them to worry about this for a long time. In the last weeks of autumn, many representatives of this constellation will decide to organize their personal lives not with the help of feelings, but using their heads. Relationships with Gemini, started out of convenience, contrary to all existing prejudices, will be quite stable and successful.

Logic and common sense will guide all actions and decisions of married Geminis in November 2019. This mood will allow you to plan and make all fateful and long-awaited events successful. The relationship with your loved one will be quite warm and tender. Even for them, the pragmatism of family Gemini will have a beneficial effect. An accurate love horoscope for Gemini for November promises a successful period for all endeavors. Therefore, married representatives of this constellation should not focus only on their personal lives.

Love horoscope for Gemini woman for November 2019

At the end of autumn, many free Gemini girls will attract the close attention of a large number of men. Undisguised interest and acquaintances in the most unexpected places will accompany girls born under the sign of Gemini throughout the month. Lonely representatives of this constellation in November will be spoiled by attention and romantic encounters, but at the same time, none of the fans may evoke real feelings. These girls may begin a new romance at the end of autumn, but love and tender emotions for their chosen one will come to Gemini much later.

Usually quite changeable in their emotions, Gemini women will be quite collected and consistent in November. Resolving the backlog of household and work issues will require serious concentration and a serious attitude from them, which will transfer to communication with their spouse. For many Geminis, this time offers a great opportunity to resolve all their controversial issues in relationships with their significant other. The stars recommend that married Gemini women make decisions related to the future of the family in November, because during this period of time they will all be successful and will have a positive impact on the family atmosphere and well-being in the future.

Love horoscope for Gemini man for November 2019

The fire of passion reigning in the souls of free Gemini men may diminish somewhat for a while. In November, reason will prevail over feelings and emotions. At this time, single Geminis can easily notice girls who are suitable for the role of a soul mate. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to turn the head of their chosen one quite easily. New romances, flirting and happy relationships await most men born under this zodiac sign in the last weeks of autumn. The love horoscope for November 2019 for Gemini gives men ready for serious relationships and marriage the opportunity to find their personal happiness in love.

Relationships with their spouses for married Gemini men in November will not blaze with passion and dizzying emotions. But spiritual closeness and understanding will take their place. The families of Gemini men at the end of autumn can truly be considered happy, since representatives of this zodiac sign will be fully collected and ready for fateful decisions and responsibility for them. The love horoscope for Gemini in November predicts a successful time for all endeavors that should not be missed.

The Geminis will devote November 2016 to reviewing their previous flights. The inner feeling that you have been able to achieve a lot over the past months will give you peace of mind and confidence in your own abilities. At the same time, by objectively assessing your potential, you will certainly find those aspects of life that you have not yet managed to bring to perfection. These are what you will focus on at the end of autumn 2016. Moreover, you do not intend to rush or criticize yourself too harshly. You will want to organize your work on mistakes in such a way that you get only pleasure from it. And you will really be able to correct, change and take a lot to a new level! For example, you will eradicate bad habits within yourself, which you had been fighting unsuccessfully for many years before November 2016.

In the finale of this fall, Gemini will pay a lot of attention to their own health. You honestly admit to yourself that neglect of your chronic illnesses is an unaffordable luxury for you. Immediately after this, an experienced therapist will appear in your contact list, whose consultations you will begin to receive regularly. This same person will advise you to reconsider your diet and tell you which sports equipment you should place within the walls of your home. Taking care of yourself will bring you a lot of pleasant emotions, because changes for the better will not keep you waiting too long. To begin with, your energy potential will increase, and after it your physical attractiveness will increase significantly.

In November 2016, single Geminis will have to make a very difficult choice. Several interesting people will appear next to you, and you will experience the warmest feelings for each of them. However, being well aware of the fact that giving a chance to each of them is at least dishonest, you will force yourself to sit down, think carefully about the current situation, and then finally decide. When you dot all the I’s, when you convey to the rejected admirer (or fan) that you have chosen a different path, you will be able to experience psychological comfort. Alas, for a very long time, alone with yourself, you will worry whether such a prioritization was a mistake?

For married Geminis, November 2016 will give many opportunities to reform their marriage. Even if until the end of this fall you were more or less satisfied with the way you and your significant other organized your life together, in November you will suddenly want to make it even more perfect. It is possible that we are talking about the emotional component of your marriage. If some time ago you felt that the spark of passion between you and your partner began to appear less and less often, then your main task for yourself is to “reanimate” this aspect. Or another option - it is possible that reforms for you will be focused exclusively on everyday issues. Your significant other will not interfere with your attempts to bring comfort to your shared living space, and therefore the time spent on this family “project” will pass on a positive note for you.

In November 2016, Gemini will be quite capable of opening up new career horizons. If you have long wanted to declare your high ambitions at work, right now you should boldly go into your manager’s office to sternly, but very tactfully, hint to him about your intentions. Do not be afraid that your statements “I want to get a new position” will face censure and condemnation! In the end, no one can voice such a request for you. Moreover, in November 2016 you have every chance not only to say something, but also to gain complete confidence that you were understood and heard.

Attention, the Gemini horoscope for the month of November 2016 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming 2016, the Red Monkey should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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Love horoscope

From November 1 to November 10. The first ten days of November will make the flow of your life more measured. You will act more thoughtfully. This is very useful, because you have to make many important decisions and correct some past mistakes. Even being very busy at work will not knock you out of a romantic mood. Mutual understanding and harmony will reign in partnerships. The presence of friends will strengthen the atmosphere of unanimity in the house.

From November 11 to 20. All your communication will be based on an interest in a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and environmentally friendly products. You will also introduce your loved one to your hobby. After November 15, your romance will reach the stage when cherished words about a marriage proposal may be heard. From November 16 to 20, it is good to make new acquaintances. Office relationships can imperceptibly develop into strong sympathy with far-reaching consequences.

From November 21 to 30. Your usual state of liveliness and lightness, the ability to make a pleasant impression at first sight, will return to you. The conjunction of Venus and Pluto from November 24 to 26 will heighten your sensuality. Nevertheless, a superficial, non-binding relationship may not withstand the conflict between Uranus and Venus and end in a loud breakup. For determined couples, the period of November 28 to 30 is successful. It will be easy to find a common language, communicate with each other’s parents, and share your innermost dreams.

Family horoscope

You will be able to improve your living conditions. get a mortgage. From November 8 to November 18, a blissful atmosphere will be established in the house. The Scorpio period is suitable for repair work. It is better to plan alterations or reconstruction from November 4 to 9, and from November 12 to 22 - the purchase of furniture. After November 15, children will be happy to help you with housework. The spouse will need solitude; this is the only way he will be able to fully restore his strength and organize his thoughts.

Health horoscope

Finally, you will pay due attention to your well-being, you will have a genuine interest in the nuances of prevention. Collection of information. consultations with specialists. examinations will help paint a complete picture of the condition of your body. In the first half of November, rheumatism, bronchitis, and heart ailments may bother you. It is better to start planned inpatient treatment after November 5th. In mid-November, emergency situations are likely.

Horoscope of work and money

All your efforts will be aimed at fulfilling your official duties. The number of errands, especially trips, will increase. In November, you will be able to make a good impression on management. From November 4 to November 9, you will have to redo a lot of work, and delays are possible. In the first half of November, a salary increase is likely.

Horoscope for November 2016 for Gemini men

Love. Your chosen one is so busy that he will be grateful if you take the initiative in developing a romantic line into your own hands. Despite some passivity until November 5, he will happily respond to an interesting offer for a date. However, he will have to literally find time for his personal life.

Tone. Until November 11, your loved one may look rather lethargic and rather tired. Fresh air, limiting the flow of information, as well as proper nutrition and daily routine are very important for his recovery.

Finance Now Gemini has a good chance of finding a highly paid position and concluding a lucrative deal. In November, a salary increase or bonus is possible. After November 7, the likelihood of large financial transactions increases.

Job. Your hero will not only cope with a huge amount of work, but will also be able to create a team of like-minded people. Cash incentives will be a good incentive for his enthusiasm. Numerous short business trips are expected. A promotion is possible in November.

Friends. The best friend will help in work and financial matters. Many associates will group around Gemini in the service. Close comrades will support his efforts to improve his home. Friends with whom he disagrees will leave his life for a long time.

Leisure.From November 4 to 14, the dominant theme of his interests will be beauty, aesthetics and everything connected with them. This could be watching a beauty contest, a bodybuilding competition or visiting a vernissage. Keep him company.

In November 2016, Gemini will have to show determination and maximum activity. The time is now when actions are valued higher than half-an-hour thoughts on the topic “to do or not to do?” Don't think - act! Moreover, extraordinary actions will be the most productive, so do not limit yourself to stereotypes. Do what you think is necessary, even if others then consider you a little eccentric. If you don't succeed at something the first time, don't despair. In November, such a position is especially unforgivable, because most situations will require perseverance - this is where the success of your personal life lies.

Your soulmate will expect the same from you - bold, decisive actions. Don't disappoint your loved one by thinking too much. The same can be said about a family in which conflicts are possible. If you don’t change your behavior style, it will be difficult for you to resolve them, because when the moment comes to speak clearly and frankly, you will again begin to think about every word. And, of course, ruin everything with it! Geminis must prepare, tune in to active behavior, since this is exactly the period ahead. If you manage to match its dynamics, success will not be long in coming.

For Gemini, November 2016 may well turn out to be a month, although not stable, but definitely bright and productive, primarily in terms of work and finance. Now many celestial objects of the Solar system will have a fairly powerful influence on your sign, but it is logical to classify only two vectors as determining ones. The source of the first will be Venus, which in its normal position is responsible for the “fall” of Gemini. However, at the moment, due to the peculiarities of her planetary position, the celestial priestess will change the modality of energy flows, clearly cooperating with Saturn, your traditional exaltant. But Jupiter, the source of the second determining energy vector, turns out to be not so generous with its beneficial influences, so it would be nice to protect yourself from its “attacks.” But, as usual, it's easier said than done. Although in general we are not talking about some foundations, truly defining moments that can change the course of events overnight. If negative aspects do appear, then you will be able to see them in advance and fully assess all the risks, so in reality there is no reason for significant worries.

In the work area in November 2016, Gemini will approach the moment that in fiction is usually called “the time to collect stones.” And although in fact it is still too early to talk about the completion of all current projects, it would be foolish not to note the fact that you are incredibly close to such a situation, which means it is worth increasing your concentration and focus on priority tasks. Now the dynamics in the work area will be especially high, but this will not unsettle you at all and will not even surprise you, you will be fully prepared for it. Therefore, from the very first days of the month, rush into battle and do not look back, do not be distracted by extraneous moments, strive, at all costs, to maintain the fuse. You won't go astray if you know exactly what you want. And one more interesting moment! Due to the peculiarities of current astral patronage, the most productive will be direct actions, devoid of contexts, backgrounds, “between lines” and behind-the-scenes “layers”. The more openly you act, the faster you will achieve what you want. But under no circumstances should you look up to others, especially your competitors. Your path to victory should be as individual as possible, and any deviation from this thesis will be extremely detrimental to your business.

In the sphere of personal relationships in November 2016, Gemini will be guided by approximately the same positions. In the sense that the most productive actions will be non-standard ones, those that stand out from the usual, generally accepted course of things. Don't worry if something doesn't work out the first time. Now in “matters of the heart,” intensity of action will be the key to productivity. The point is that it is better to try, metaphorically speaking, to take a fortress from a swoop several times in a row, than to sit motionless day after day, “this way and that” assessing possible probabilities. Act and think later! Now your “sweetheart” will demand exactly this from you - action, and nothing more. In relationships with loved ones and friends, resolving conflict situations will also require maximum straightforwardness and readiness to take action. Under no circumstances should you “slip into metaphysics”, do not “create entities”, and generally think less, no matter how strange and ambiguous this may sound. November 2016 should be an extremely active and dynamic time for you. This is a real chance for you to find what you want, in the shortest possible time and, as they say, in the best possible way.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for November 2016 for the zodiac sign Gemini, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Gemini sign: Personal horoscopes for the Gemini sign: