Domestic buildings

Caring for a dragon tree at home. The legend of the dragon tree, features, care and cultivation. Growing indoor plants

The blood of both giants, mixed, gave birth to a growth of trees never seen before: with powerful trunks like elephant legs, bunches of leaves sharp like dragon teeth and blood-red resin.


Indeed, dragon dracaena - very powerful and long-lived plant, under natural conditions reaching a height of 20 m and secondarily growing in width to a thickness at the base of 4 m.

During its growth, growth rings are not formed, so the age of dragon trees is not determined entirely accurately; it is known that for some protected and revered specimens it is 3000 years or more.

Each branch ends in a dense bunch of narrow, long, sharp gray-green leaves.

If you cut the bark, a colorless juice-resin will appear, which in air quickly acquires a rich blood-red color and is therefore called “the blood of two brothers” (according to legend) or “cinnabar” (which in itself means “dragon blood”), and is also endowed with special healing and magical power.

In indoor culture dragon dracaena retains its slow perennial development, and the exotic shape of the trunk, and bunches of sharp leaves, and resin-blood, but does not grow above one and a half meters.

You can listen to a more detailed description in the following video.

Dracaena dragon: photo

Dracaena dragon tree: photo in natural conditions.

Dracaena dracaena: photo of a plant in pots.

Home care


You will need a lot of light, it should come in large quantities, be bright, but mostly diffuse, as near windows facing southwest and southeast. On a purely southern side, in the summer, you need to make sure that this dracaena is not burned by direct sunlight.

In the summer months, “vacations” in the open air are very useful, but care should be taken to ensure that the plant is not exposed to the sun.

If the dragon tree has just enough light, it will decorate its leaves. thin reddish border.


Optimal temperature range ranges from 18 to 25 degrees in summer. Wintering is preferably cooler, but the temperature should not fall below 12 degrees.

Air humidity

In spring and summer dragon dracaena should be sprayed frequently using soft water.

in winter, in a room with a temperature of 12 to 15 degrees, stop spraying. If the wintering place is a warm apartment with central heating and dry air, spraying is still necessary.

The soil

You can use ready-made soil for palm trees and dracaenas, or prepare mixture, which includes nutritional components - leaf soil, turf soil, humus; leavening agent - coarse sand and fibrous acidifier - peat. All ingredients are taken in equal quantities.


Container for planting choose ceramic, porous, with a hole in the bottom.

At the bottom You should definitely place drainage (expanded clay or small pebbles), then pour a layer of perlite or coarse sand, then a mound of prepared soil, “sit” the straightened root system of the dracaena on this mound and add soil to the desired level, carefully compacting it.

Such planting will protect the roots, which grow more to the sides than to the depths, from rotting.


Young house plants are replanted annually, in spring time, adult specimens - once every 2-3 years, and for massive dracaenas of venerable age, you can simply replace the top layer of soil with fresh, nutritious soil.

After the purchase a new specimen is kept in quarantine for about two weeks, and then a decision is made to replant: a young plant, which is cramped in its container, can immediately receive a new “apartment,” while an older one can wait to move into a new container until spring. When replanting, it is better to save the old earthen ball so as not to injure the sensitive root system.

If imported dracaena is purchased in a transport substrate, it must be replanted immediately, completely freed from the soil.


In summer Watering is carried out quite often, as the top two to three centimeters of the soil dry out - usually every other day. Use soft, well-settled water.

With the coming of autumn Watering is reduced to once or twice a week, and in winter, at lower temperatures, watering is done even less frequently.

If the winter is warm and dry, water it as in the fall, not forgetting about regular spraying.

Top dressing

During the spring-summer period a special complex for palm trees and dracaenas, or alternating mineral and organic fertilizers are applied twice a month.

in winter fertilizing is carried out once a month (keep warm) or the plant is not fertilized at all (during cool wintering).


In indoor culture, Canarian dracaena blooms exclusively rarely- a cluster of greenish small flowers with an unpleasant odor, producing orange drupes after pollination.


You can propagate dracaena seeds and cuttings: apical and stem.

Propagation by seeds

in spring soak the seeds for 24 hours in a warm solution of a growth stimulant, and then sow them in palm soil, cover them with plastic film and keep them warm, ventilating the greenhouse and moderately moistening the soil. Germination time is from one to two months.

Seedlings should be kept with sufficient, but not excessive moisture, fed once a month and protected from excess sun.

When the dracaenas grow to a height of 4-5 cm, they can be planted in stationary pots.

Propagation by apical cuttings

Eat two harvesting methods such cuttings: air layering and direct pruning.

With the first method A T-shaped cut is made on the trunk below the top, into which moistened peat is placed and then wrapped with polyethylene. Over the course of a month, peat and high humidity stimulate root growth. Then the stem is cut off slightly below the formed roots and the top is planted in a separate pot.

Second way consists of decisive cutting of part of the trunk with the top. The injured areas are sprinkled with crushed charcoal, and the cut of the apical cutting is additionally treated with a root formation stimulator. Plant the cuttings in a prepared pot with a drainage layer and moistened soil.

If the cutting has a very developed bunch of leaves, they can be shortened by a third. The remaining “stump” of dracaena is poured with paraffin; Over time, a new shoot will form on the side.

Propagation by stem cuttings

A healthy young stem is cut into pieces with a sharp tool so that each part contains at least two growth buds. Typically the length of such segments is 3-5cm.

These cuttings are planted in prepared soil, kept warm, protected from intense sunlight and frequently misted. As a rule, within a month young shoots appear on them.

This video talks about caring for dragon dracaena.

Diseases and pests

If the right conditions are provided, dracaenas practically don't get sick.

If care errors are made, the dragon tree can be damaged rot and fungal infections. This happens with a combination of low temperature and waterlogging. In such cases, you need to place the plant in a warmer place and eliminate excess moisture.

If the rotting processes are widespread (this happens most often with frozen specimens), you will have to cut healthy cuttings and root them, and get rid of the rest of the plant. For fungal infections, spray with a fungicide solution.

Among the pests, spider mites and scale insects settle on Dracaena Canarian. The first remedy against them is to remove insects with a soap solution, but only the use of appropriate insecticides will finally get rid of them.

If Dracaena dracaena (Canary) takes root in your home, it will gradually, spreading out a thick branchy cover like an umbrella, for many years to grow and remind of ancient legends, sanctuaries of exotic cultures and ancient beliefs that a tree with red “blood” is endowed with a special vitality.

In addition, this plant perfectly purifies the air from formaldehyde and benzene.

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Dracaena dracaena is one of the most common indoor plants of the Asparagus family. It is also called dragon tree. She is not picky in care, quite hardy, and also has a spectacular appearance.

In the wild, this amazing plant can be found in Africa, Asia and Central America. It is in these corners of the planet that dracaena grows in enormous sizes, reaching a height of more than 20 m. In indoor conditions, the plant does not exceed 1.5 m.

Dracaena Dragon has dense, fleshy leaves of a rich green color. In good light, the leaves have a red tint. The sap of the plant is also red, which is why legends about dragon's blood were created.

The plant has a dense, powerful trunk, at the top of which there are leaves collected in bunches. Because of such an interesting appearance, dracaena received its second name - dragon tree. As it grows, the trunk branches.

In the wild, the dragon bush lives for several thousand years, but at home it all depends on proper care. Dracaena blooms in natural conditions very rarely. The huge white flowers eventually turn into bright red fruits. Unfortunately, it is impossible to observe this process at home.

Care and reproduction

An indoor flower is easy to care for, but in order for it to look healthy and beautiful, it needs to be grown in certain conditions. The dragon loves warm weather, but it also feels great in a cool place. The acceptable temperature for a flower in summer is +20 °C, in winter - not lower than +15 °C.

At the same time, the plant does not tolerate drafts. The soil can be purchased at specialized stores, but you can also prepare it yourself. In both cases, do not forget about drainage.

The flower definitely needs light, but it reacts negatively to direct sunlight, so it is best to place the pot on a western or eastern window. In winter, when daylight hours are reduced, it is recommended to use artificial lighting. Dracaena tolerates drought well, but in winter it is better to spray the flower, which will have a positive effect on its growth. Water your home flower regularly and abundantly.

It is important that the earthen ball is always moistened, but without puddles and dirt - excessive water will lead to rotting of the root system. In summer, daily watering in the morning is recommended, in winter - as needed. From March until the end of summer, dracaena is regularly fed with fertilizers. Products for variegated plants, which can be purchased at any botanical store, are ideal.

It is advisable to loosen the top layer of soil from time to time, but not very deeply, as the root system can be damaged. This is necessary for full access of oxygen and improved moisture penetration. Propagating dracaena is quite simple. Like many indoor flowers, it propagates in three main ways: cuttings, seeds and parts of the trunk.

Cuttings involve cutting them from the top or side of the plant. The cutting should not be very long, maximum 7 cm. It is best to place it in a sand-peat mixture. It is very important at this moment to create favorable conditions for the future plant, especially to maintain the temperature regime.

After the first leaves appear, the dracaena can be transplanted into a regular pot.

Propagation by seeds is carried out in early spring. Until the first sprouts appear, the room temperature should not fall below +27 °C. The young plant is transplanted into a small pot with a diameter of no more than 6 cm. Propagation by parts of stems is the most popular and easiest way.

The dracaena flower is a slow-growing, long-lived plant that came to us from the African subtropics. It is an ornamental tree with hard leathery leaves, which are arranged in a spiral on the flower stem. With proper care of dracaena at home, gardeners can enjoy its rich green crown.

Dracaena flower, types and photos

  • Dracaena Godsefa

  • Dracaena Gold

  • Dracaena Hooker

  • Dracaena deramensis

  • Dracaena "dragon"

  • Dracaena fragrant

  • Dracaena Sandera ("lucky bamboo")

How to care for dracaena at home

Anyone who wants to purchase an overseas guest should know how to care for a dracaena so that it feels as comfortable as possible in an apartment.

It is believed that the level of difficulty in growing this plant is relatively low, if you do not take into account the Dracaena reflexum (pictured).

  • The dracaena flower takes root well in apartments with moderate winter heating.
  • Undemanding to lighting. However, bright light or its lack will affect the color of the leaves.
  • All year round, the optimal temperature is considered to be 18-20 degrees.
  • An ideal soil mixture consists of turf soil, humus and sand mixed in equal parts. To better saturate the soil with oxygen, frequent loosening of the soil is recommended.
  • Dracaena should be watered frequently (up to 2 times a week), using a moderate amount of water. Sometimes it is better to underfill than overfill. Dracaena reacts quite critically to stagnation of moisture, even to the point of death.
  • It loves high air humidity, so spraying, especially in hot weather, is simply necessary.
  • The plant is fed in the summer with mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • Transplantation is carried out once every two years.

Dracaena, propagation at home

Those who want to increase the number of dracaenas in their apartment should know how to propagate dracaenas at home. The flower is propagated by cuttings from the tops and longitudinal division of the stem. By the way, such individuals as fragrant dracaena, Derema, and Sander's dracaena can reproduce by air layering.

Most often, flower growers use the apical parts of the plant for propagation.

And if they have dried out due to age, then take stem cuttings.

The best time is spring, from late March to April.

Reproduction algorithm:

  1. We cut the stems into small sections of 5-20 cm. It is better to do this with a blade, so the cuttings will give roots faster.
  2. Most often, the cutting is planted vertically, deepening it into the ground by 3-4 cm. It is best to sprinkle sand on top of the soil mixture.
  3. When rooting horizontally, the cuttings are slightly pressed into the soil, but not sprinkled. Sometimes, with such planting, a cutting can produce several roots. Then you will become the happy owner of several young individuals at once.

Dracaena crown care

In order for a tree to have a well-groomed decorative appearance, it needs prune properly for branching.

  • Dracaena is trimmed during the period of active growth or if part of the stem is damaged.
  • A portion of the bare branch is cut off. It can then be used for reproduction.
  • The cut area must be filled with wax to prevent the wood from evaporating moisture.

Video: Dracaena flower, pruning and propagation

Dracaena is attractive and can become the favorite of any gardener. Due to its slow growth, it will delight you for many years.

Dragon tree: cultivation and care

The dragon tree is also known as dracaena. The plant got its name because of the color of the juice it produces. When interacting with oxygen, the colorless liquid acquires a bright red hue.

Description of the home dragon tree

A representative of tropical plants is easy to grow at home. It is also called false palm because of its external resemblance to a palm tree.

Source: Depositphotos

The dragon tree is confused with a palm tree due to its external resemblance

Description of dracaena:

  • trunk - woody shoot;
  • the leaves are long, glossy, located at the top of the stem, collected in a bunch;
  • inflorescence - a panicle of small white flowers;
  • berry-shaped fruit.
  • The plant is evergreen, popular in floriculture due to its unpretentiousness.

    Growing and caring for a dragon tree at home

    Dracaena is grown in living rooms and work offices. It is advisable to place the pot with the tree in the fresh air, where there are no drafts.

    Conditions for the plant:

    • Lighting. Provide bright, indirect light. Partial shade is also suitable. In a darkened room, the decorative effect of the dracaena will disappear.
    • Temperature conditions. In summer, maintain the temperature between 18–25 °C. In winter, the crop is dormant, the temperature being 12–13 °C.
    • Watering. Keep the soil moist throughout the year. In summer - 1 time every 3–4 days, in winter - 2 times less often. Once every 30 days, release accumulated air from the pot. To do this, immerse the container in water. After the event, resume watering after 7–10 days.
    • Air humidification. Spray daily with a spray bottle. Make sure that the liquid does not stagnate on the leaves.
    • Feeding. Fertilize the dragon tree once every 2 weeks. Use store-bought complex fertilizer for dracaenas.
    • Transfer. In the first 2–3 years, with active growth, replant the dracaena annually in the spring. An older plant requires replanting every 2 years.

    The dragon tree is resistant to many diseases and pests, except scale insects and spider mites.

    Dracaena is easily grown and propagated in a variety of ways: cuttings, seeds, and trimmed parts of the shoot. Care is standard requirements for indoor flowers.

Thanks to its beauty, dracaena has become a popular indoor plant. Outwardly, it resembles a palm tree, therefore it is a decoration for offices and homes, as it looks impressive and attractive. Large species are well suited for office spaces. Small dracaenas are bought for small apartments. This plant looks great alone. Dracaena looks no less beautiful next to other indoor plants.

There are several varieties of dracaena. There are shrubs and subshrubs. There are also tree-like forms of the plant. The most common types include:

The most unpretentious of dracaenas. Its distinctive feature is a tree-like trunk and narrow green leaves with a red-violet border. Under natural conditions, its height reaches 3-5 meters.

The largest representative of the species. This evergreen shrub can grow up to 6 meters. At home it grows up to 1-2 meters. It has beautiful wide wavy bright green leaves. The plant has fragrant white flowers with the smell of mown grass.

The tree-like form of the plant is native to the subtropics. Its leaves are dark green in color. Dust forms on them too quickly and must be removed regularly.

An evergreen tree with bright green leaves that droop downwards. Despite the fact that it is a false palm, in appearance it resembles a fluffy bush, as it begins to branch at the base. It blooms very rarely in the apartment.

Subshrub, white crow among dracaenas. It has oval dark green leaves with white-cream speckles.


Dracaena prefers moderate air temperatures. In summer, the temperature should be maintained - 18-25 °C. In winter it should not fall below 15 °C. In the warm season, the plant should be taken out into fresh air. However, it is necessary to ensure that it does not stand in a draft, so it is not placed near open windows. In hot weather, dracaena is sprayed and additional watering is provided.

When choosing lighting for dracaena, its appearance is taken into account. Most of them prefer well-lit places. In this case, direct sunlight should not fall on the plant. The ideal place for it would be western or eastern plants. Dracaenas, which have dark leaves, do not require much light. Variegated species will lose color if there is insufficient light. Dracaenas are also suitable for artificial lighting.

If it is necessary for the dracaena to grow, it is placed where there is a lot of light. In partial shade the plant develops more slowly.

Air humidity

Most types of dracaenas do not tolerate dry air, so they constantly need to be sprayed, regardless of the time of year. Spraying is carried out twice a day. Otherwise, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off. It is equally important to regularly wipe the dracaena leaves from dust with a damp cloth. In some cases, it won't hurt to wash the plant in the shower. This is especially true for Dracaena derema.

Dracaena Godsefa and Dragon are the most unpretentious species. They do not need special conditions of detention. They feel comfortable even in dry air.

How to water a plant

Dracaena is classified as a moisture-loving plant. She needs abundant watering. Do not allow the top layer of soil to dry out. When it has dried 2-3 cm, the dracaena is watered. In order for it to develop well, the soil in the pot must remain moist. Excessive watering can lead to the death of the plant. Due to stagnation of water, the roots will rot. In summer, dracaena is watered every day. In winter, watering should be reduced. For better plant development, the soil is loosened every month.

Water for irrigation should be soft. Rain or settled water is suitable. If you water it with tap water, white spots will appear on the plant.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied during the period of intensive growth of dracaena. It falls between March and August. Feed the plant twice a month. In other months, it is enough to fertilize the dracaena once a month. Complex fertilizers are used. Variegated forms require specialized fertilizers.

When propagating by apical cuttings, it is very important to properly prepare the cuttings. To do this, you need to carefully cut off the top of the plant. The most suitable size is 10-15 cm. The cut should be smooth or oblique. It is important that it is smooth. If the cutting is damaged, the plant will rot. After cutting, the cuttings are withered. But you can immediately root the plant.

Root the cuttings in water and various substrates. The substrate may contain sand, perlite, hydrogel, for palm trees and cacti. When rooting cuttings in water, monitor the temperature of the liquid. It should be at room temperature. Cloudy water should be replaced immediately. The procedure is repeated approximately twice a week. An activated carbon tablet will help your water stay fresh longer. Zircon has a beneficial effect on rooting processes.

When rooting the top in the substrate, the cuttings are moistened with water and sprinkled with a special powder. After this, Ecogel, Zircon or Epin are added to the substrate and the cutting is placed.

If you don't take care of the cutting, it will die. In most cases, if not properly cared for, it rots. This is due to the fact that the substrate contains microorganisms that destroy the tissue of the cutting. To avoid this, you should avoid overmoistening the soil, which leads to rotting. When the soil covers dry out, the tissues of the cuttings will dry out and the roots will die.

The ideal temperature for rooting the top is 20-22°C. It is also necessary to create greenhouse conditions by covering the cuttings with plastic, glass or a transparent bag. Do not forget to spray the leaves of the cuttings three times a day. Once a week they are sprayed with a solution containing palm fertilizers. This is important because without roots the plant feeds on the leaves.

The second method of propagation is by stem cuttings

This propagation method is used when the top of the plant has withered. For this type of propagation, a healthy stem is selected. It should be elastic to the touch with a diameter of at least 2 cm. It is divided into several pieces 5-20 cm in size. Sections are made with a sharp tool along leaf scars. The substrate for rooting in this case is the same as when cutting the top.

There are two types of propagation by stem cuttings:

  • Vertical. In this case, the lower part of the plant cutting is placed in the substrate to a depth of 2-3 cm. It is very important to sprinkle it with a 5-6 cm layer of sand. This is done so as not to immediately replant the cutting. The roots will first be in the sand and then sink into the ground.
  • Horizontal. With this method, the cuttings are placed in a damp substrate and slightly pressed into it. The temperature of the soil and the air in the room should be between 20-24°C. The plant is rooted in a greenhouse.

There is a big difference between apical and stem cuttings. With the first method, roots are formed only at the top. In the second case, not only roots but also shoots sprout. With horizontal rooting, the stem is destroyed, as shoots are formed that absorb all the nutrients. When the shoots feed independently from their own roots, the cuttings are planted in pots.

1. Do not dig up the substrate to check the formation of roots.

2. On average, rooting of cuttings takes 1-1.5 months. It will take two months for shoots to appear. If the roots did not appear during this time, the dracaena was rooted incorrectly. The procedure is worth repeating.